Mel Feller Suggests Things Loving Fathers Do for Their Children by Mel Feller

Mel Feller writes from his heart as he thinks about his four kids and his former wife. It is important to maintain a good family unit and communication with both your kids and their mother. I know personally that I still have a lot of love and respect for the mother of my children. She went through a lot to bear me four great kids and four wonderful grandchildren.
Loving fathers… love their children’s mother
Love your wife without reservation you cannot do much more for your kids than that. If you are divorced, treat your children’s mother with respect, even if it is not reciprocated. Never return disgrace with disgrace.
Love them unconditionally
Make sure that your children know you love them no matter what. Do not confuse this with permissiveness. Unconditional love does nothing to encourage the wrong kind of behavior. In fact, kids who are secure in their father’s love tend to act out less, not more.
Grow up
I am talking about us here, not the kids. Children do not want another friend; they want a dad. They want someone who thinks things through, makes tough decisions, and engages life with responsibility. Someone they can count on.
Be there
“Quality time” is fine, but it has nothing on quantity time. Make the time. Everyone has the same 24 hours available. Make yours count.
As best, you can. Material provision can be tough when jobs are lost and tough times hit. However, you can always provide a stable home with love and affection.
Children appreciate an even hand, balance, accountability, and love-drenched discipline. It is called consistency and, without clearly defined boundaries, it is very difficult to grow up.
Value education
Do not just read to them; read with them. Do not just fuss about grades; get involved with their homework. Do not just talk about learning; be a hands-on advocate. Be a presence at their school by joining or starting an All Pro Dad’s Day Breakfast.
Raise them to leave
The simple goal of being a family and parenting our children does not look any more complicated than this: Raise them up well equipped to leave home and to establish faithful lives.
Teach them to take responsibility
Kids who learn how to duck responsibility and avoid cost will eventually fall flat on their faces. Loving fathers make sure their children know how to own up, clean up, and move forward.
Teach them to love this life
The best predictor of happiness in children is happiness in their parents. If we learn how to love this life and then give that blessing to our kids, they will be well prepared for satisfaction.
Mel Feller is a great Business, Personal Development and Real Estate expert. First in his life is his family! He loves them with all of his heart and he never goes a day without thanking God he has them in his life!
For over thirty years, Mel Feller has helped organizations create communities of excellence among their people and empowered individuals to become true leaders with the ability to actualize a vision — all through the power of communication. Mel Feller believes that important personal, social, and business problems can be effectively addressed using an active communicating methodology he developed which draws upon the client’s discipline of engaging, creative and effective communication.
Mel Feller is a certified executive coach, through Franklin Covey and Fortune Builders, and consultant for leaders who need to achieve significant personal and organizational results.
My expertise, insights and engaging style help my clients gain wisdom and clarity, which result in:
Executives who lead more effectively
Teams that seek to communicate and collaborate, and
Organizations that are aligned with business strategy
Mel Feller has three decades plus of coaching and consulting experience in diverse industries, which provides a rich framework for his organizational insights and creative solutions. I brings a thoughtful approach to his work, carefully integrating both my coaching and consulting skills and abilities.
When consulting, my focus is on “what you are doing” (i.e., goal setting, problem solving, taking action and achieving results). When coaching, my focus is on “who you are being” (i.e., how you are leading, aligning your values and tapping your gifts). As a client, they become more consciously aware of how paying attention to — and balancing both — are critically important to their success.
When you combine Mel Feller’s keen insights and engaging style with his in-depth skills, technical certifications and broad industry experience, the result is a uniquely qualified executive coach and organizational consultant.
So… what kind of coach are you?”
I get this question a lot. Moreover, the answer is… I am a Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach, and Business Coach. I coach teens, business executives, authors, artists, entrepreneurs, retired seniors, busy moms and entire organizations.
“Truth telling, honesty, and candor: I loved you Mel Feller! You have so much energy and knowledge! I truly hope I get another opportunity to be coached by you. I see myself a little clearer now, and it’s not so bad.”
Lisa Mathews
“Mel Feller you added more value than we can possibly see right now. Mel Feller, you are warm, inviting, and accommodating. Thank you for coming alongside us in this transition!”
Vanessa Cavanaugh
“Mel Feller the best education session that we have attended in many years! Thank you so much — I am very excited to put everything you have taught us into practice!”
Michael Randolph
“Mr. Mel Feller, Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving a marvelous keynote at our Symposium! While we have not yet collected the official feedback, the unofficial feedback was that You Were a Hit! I heard nothing but compliments regarding your presentations. Thank you for making such a positive impact on our attendees! ”
Lyle Cunningham VP
“Mel Feller uses his humor, compassion, and direct nature to help bring out the best in me. Mel Feller is committed to helping me live…I mean, really live, life to its fullest.”
Jose Rodriguez
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