Mel Feller Shares Secrets to Business Success From His Grandpa by Mel Feller

Mel Feller know personally that there is nothing that can replace the wisdom of a grandpa, not even today in this day and age of computers, smart phones, and instant access to the Internet. Mel Feller shares priceless lessons that he learned from his grandfather.
There is not a day that goes by that Mel Feller does not think about his grandfather, father and brother who have passed, and as a tribute to his grandpa’s memory he wanted to share some of the nuggets his grandfather passed on to him.
Grandpa was a successful entrepreneur. He started his business, in Logan Utah over 80 years ago.
Even though he never was able to play with or learn from the ideas of Internet marketing, one thing he DID understand was business. Below are a few of the tips he shared with me in order to help me build a solid, successful business:
Being lucky is contagious. Grandpa would often tell us stories about how his successful friends and associates were the ones who were lucky in Vegas the ones who were not successful were also the ones who were not so lucky in Vegas or other areas for that matter.
This sounds a little like law of attraction, right. Except grandpa would never call it law of attraction. I think it was more like a core belief, if a core belief of yours is that you will make a lot of money, and then you will make a lot of money. If your core belief is you will struggle financially, you will struggle financially. Grandpa believed he would make a lot of money therefore not only did he have a successful business but he also made money investing in various things not to mention he also got lucky in Vegas quite often.
Being in a mastermind helps you grow your business. Except grandpa would never call it a mastermind. He would call it hanging out with his friends and associates, playing cards, talking about business and trying to gain an advantage over the other. This is also a good example of who you hang out with determines your business results.
What is even more interesting about all these stories is how this “mastermind” would self-select themselves in and out of the group. If you read between the lines and after listening to the stories over the years you start to see that his friends who hit hard-times financially and weren’t able to recover, quit hanging out with the group, but the successful ones stuck around or new successful ones would join in.
Know your strengths and use them to your advantage. Again, grandpa would never say it like that but it is what he did. For example, grandpa loved to get a deal. Especially in Wendover and Vegas. Therefore, he would often negotiate with the hotel to get a free meal or room or whatever and he would use his age to his advantage. He would stand there and hem and haw and move as slowly as he possibly could until they gave him what he wanted just to get him out of their hair and help the next person. He especially liked doing this when there was a long line behind him.
There is no question grandpa was a character. I have all sorts of stories about him, like how he used to go to Bingo games in Vegas and shout out ‘Bingo’ only to have the Bingo caller tell him ‘sir, there haven’t been enough numbers called yet for you to have Bingo.’ Grandpa would say “Oh,” then two numbers later yell Bingo out a second time. I am surprised he would make it out of those Bingo lounges intact.
In addition, he even had his girlfriend, who was 20 years younger than he was.
Nevertheless, the point here is this, my grandpa never really went in for a lot of self-development or personal development stuff, yet he still came to many of the same conclusions those disciplines teach. Mainly you need to the right mindset if you want to be successful. So take it from my grandpa — if you want to be successful, start with the obstacles and blocks in your head.
Mel Feller is a certified executive coach and consultant for leaders who need to achieve significant personal and organizational results.
Mel Feller’s expertise, insights and engaging style help her clients gain wisdom and clarity, which result in:
Executives who lead more effectively
Teams that seek to communicate and collaborate, and
Organizations that are aligned with business strategy
Mel Feller has over three decades of coaching and consulting experience in diverse industries, which provides a rich framework for his organizational insights and creative solutions. He brings a thoughtful approach to his work, carefully integrating both his coaching and consulting skills and abilities. When consulting, his focus is on “what you are doing” (i.e., goal setting, problem solving, taking action and achieving results). When coaching, his focus is on “who you are being” (i.e., how you are leading, aligning your values and tapping your gifts). As a client, you will become more consciously aware of how paying attention to — and balancing both — are critically important to your success.
When you combine Mel Feller’s keen insights and engaging style with his in-depth skills, technical certifications and broad industry experience, the result is a uniquely qualified executive coach and organizational consultant
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