Mel Feller Explains How to Tell Personal and Family Stories
with Confidence by Mel Feller
Mel Feller asks if you would, you like to make this a year
to tell your family stories? Let these simple tips inspire you to put pen to
paper. No one is more qualified to tell your family’s story than you are. Mel Feller believes that family history is
very important. Family history is a
great way to really understand your heritage.
Let’s Get Started the
Mel Feller Way
Own Your Story
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Mel Feller Explains How to Tell Personal and Family Stories with Confidence |
You are absolutely the best person in the world to write
your story and your family history. You are the only human being ever born to
this earth who has your unique perspective and life experiences. You know all
the details. You were there. J.K. Rowling could not tell your stories better
than you can.
Tell Favorite Stories
One of the reasons my grandfather’s words came so alive for
me is because my family members are all great verbal storytellers. They get together,
reminisce, and repeat some of the same stories repeatedly. This practice adds
structure to fragmented memories, making it easier to write them down later.
Make a Timeline of
Major Life Events
In a notebook or a computer document, write down each year you
have been alive. Leave a page or two between each year. Now start adding in all
of the big turning points that divide your life into chapters: being born,
going to school, moving, changing schools, reaching religious milestones,
learning to drive, graduating, getting a job, changing jobs, getting married,
having children. Unhappy events like divorces and deaths will make the list
too. Jot down names, places, dates. If all you ever complete in your personal
history is this list of major life events, that is a lot better than nothing is.
If you are inspired to keep going, you will have a great framework for writing
a thorough personal history.
Be Specific
Add as many relevant details as you can when sharing a
memory. If you make a general statement, think about the evidence you would
include if you had to prove you are telling the truth. For example, my cousin
Natalie wrote, “I remember Grandpa always took very nice care of things.” If
she had stopped there, it still would have been a true statement about Grandpa,
but it became much more memorable when she added this detail: “If he used the
weed eater, he’d wipe it off and put it back in the box.” Now that tells a
story about just how careful and meticulous Grandpa was. Not only did he keep
the original box for years and years, he also took the time to wipe off dirty
lawn equipment before putting it away. I loved that detail; I can picture him
doing exactly that.
Just Start
It does not matter how far behind you feel you are in
capturing your personal history. Start somewhere, and start today. Even if you do
not have time to delve deeply into the past right now, make a regular habit of
capturing and collecting current thoughts and memories. The important thing is
to capture them while they are still fresh; you can always organize and
rearrange your memories later.
Mel Feller Urges You
to Trigger Memories Authentically
Make a List of
Stories to Tell
Not sure where to start with your personal or family
history? Start by making a list of stories you want to write down eventually.
Then elaborate on each of them, one by one. Think about the anecdotes you find
yourself telling repeatedly like that disaster you narrowly avoided, that crazy
coincidence, that one time you ran into a famous person. If anyone ever says,
“Yeah, you told me that one before,” that is a clue the story is important to
you. Add it to your list.
Forget About
I know I told you to make a timeline, but there is no rule
that says you have to write your life story in chronological order. You can use
the timeline for reference only, and then write your stories in any order you
want. After all, you do not remember your life in chronological order. Memories
tend to pop up at random, triggered by the strangest things. As you write your
stories down, you can add whatever structure to your memories you want. Leave
them in random order. Group them by person or place.
Use Memory Triggers
Photos, keepsakes, clothing, and other objects can be
wonderful memory triggers. Look through photo albums at relatives’ homes and
see what stories come to mind. Then add them to your list of stories to tell.
Plan a visit to a neighborhood or city where you once lived. Walk around,
notebook in hand, and see what memories surface.
Let Your Thoughts Percolate
It is hard to summon stories on demand; our memories just do
not work that way. If you are using writing prompts or trying to answer a list
of questions, read them at the beginning of the week. Then set them aside, and
go about your life. You will be surprised what you can remember after you let a
question marinate in your mind for a few days.
Gather Memories from
Other People
Consult siblings, cousins, children, and other relatives to
help round out your memories of a person or event. I am so grateful that many
of my family members have written things down about my father and grandfather. Now
we have a well-rounded picture of this man we all loved, from those who knew
him as a young father and those who knew him as an aging grandfather, from
those who saw him daily and those who visited a few times a year.
Keep It Simple
Use Your Handwriting
I already know what some of you are going to say. “But I
have ugly handwriting. I hate my handwriting. Typing is so much easier.” Let me
just ask you this: Have you ever encountered a recipe written in your
grandmother’s hand and thought anything other than, “Wow, I miss her.” Your
handwriting is unique to you. Your family will want to have some of your words
written in your own hand. They will not judge you for sloppy or imperfect
handwriting. They will treasure it as a piece of you.
Write the Way You
Forget about formality and the rules of writing. Just do
your best to allow your authentic voice to shine through the verbiage. The more
your written words reflect the way you speak, the better. It can take years for
even professional writers to find their own “voice” and feel truly at home with
their style, so do not worry if you feel awkward with writing at first. If you
still feel stuck, pretend you are telling the story aloud to a friend. Actually
say each sentence aloud, and then write down what you said. It is that simple.
Don’t Stress about
Grammar and Spelling
There is a saying I want you to repeat to yourself repeatedly:
Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. What does that mean?
Perfection is not the goal. If that is what you are aiming for, you will not
get anything done at all. An imperfect life story that is written down is
infinitely more valuable than a perfect story that is never told. So do not
worry if you struggled diagramming sentences in school and cannot distinguish a
subject from a predicate. If you know how to speak in coherent sentences, you
will be able to write a coherent history, too.
Write in List Form
Lists are a great way to break up your prose, making it both
easier to write and more fun to read. The options are endless. Here is a brief
list of things you could make lists about in your journal:
Cities you have lived in
Schools you attended
Songs that remind you of high school
Favorite books or movies
Quotes or sayings your grandfather always said
Traits you inherited from your grandma
Recipes that remind you of home
Personal injuries and hospitalizations
Childhood mischief that you got away with
Pets your family owned
Make It Last
Make It a Regular Practice
The more you exercise your writing muscles, the easier and
more naturally, your words will flow. Set aside a block of time once a week for
journal writing, as the #52stories project encourages you to do. If that sounds
overwhelming, write every other week or once a month instead. You could also
pick one month a year (maybe your birthday month) where you write briefly every
day—either about your current life or about your past or your family history.
Do what you have to do to remove barriers and make journaling fit your
lifestyle, even if that means carrying a small journal in your purse or writing
your entire journal in a Notes file on your smartphone.
Keep Multiple
Long-form, paragraph-style writing is just one-way to
capture memories about your life. I have a journal like that, but I have other
kinds of journals, too. I have a file on my smartphone where I capture
spiritual insights and a-ha moments. I have miniature notebooks where I capture
funny things my kids say. Several times in my life, I have used a blank wall
calendar as a journal, writing one tiny memory a day inside those little
Curate Your Own
Everything you write about yourself counts, so collect it
all together. If you give a presentation at work and you share a personal
anecdote, pull that out of the presentation and save it in your personal
history. If you share a personal experience in a Sunday school lesson, save it.
If you speak at a family funeral, definitely save that. Comb through social
media for stories you have already shared and save them in a more archival
Make Some of Your
Stories Permanent
Some of the writing you do will be just for you and that is
okay. However, some of your writing will really matter to someone else, like
your account of the birth of your child, or your recollections of a beloved
grandparent. Save your most important memories in the Family Search app, where
all of the data is archived and backed up to the cloud. If it is a story about
your grandfather, save it to his profile. If it is about your life, save it to
your own profile. All stories remain private while the person is still living,
but they will eventually be visible to the entire extended family.
It is Up to You
Do not let your self-doubts get in the way of preserving the
important stories of your life. Do not let your insecurities keep you from
helping your children and their children see your parents and grandparents the
way that you saw them. There is no better time to start preserving your most
important family stories. There is no better person to do it than you are.
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