Mel Feller Reflects on Life Lessons Learned From His Wise Grandpa by Mel Feller
Mel Feller knows that when you need advice, you ask someone who knows best. When you need life advice, you go to someone who has seen it all. Moreover, who could be better than your grandfather with 88 years of life experience under his belt?

That is where Mel Feller got a lot of great advice along from his father. Even though both of them are no longer with him. He reflects often on the advice and journals on it when needed to apply and solve his own life dilemmas.
Mel also mentions that his grandfather had experienced so much in life love, loss, triumph, and failure. Moreover, through all of that he had continued to remain himself and keep people laughing right up to his death 45 years ago. When a person makes that kind of an impact, you can never forget those life lessons.
Here is part of Grandpas list of life lessons:
Always maintain a good sense of humor.
Never be too good to start at the bottom.
Exercise every single day, even when you do not feel like it.
Do not spend more money than you make.
Drink orange juice every day.
Love at first sight is not a fable.
Having a bad job is better than having no job at all.
Eat around the mold; do not go wasting food.
Your family is the most precious thing you will ever have in life.
Eat sausage every day it worked for me.
Your life is delicate, and if you neglect yourself, you will spoil.
Do not ever be afraid to be your true self.
Everyone has too many clothes. Wear what you have and quit buying more.
You must be able to forgive, even if it is difficult to do.
Save your money now and spend it later.
Love is not always easy; sometimes you have to work at it.
Find something comical in every single situation.
If you are faced with a problem, do not delay trying to figure it out. However, if there is no way to figure it out, you have to forget about it.
Make sure you are doing what you love; do not be afraid to follow those dreams you have for yourself.
Education is important, but not necessary. Life can be an education in itself.
Explore your world and stay curious.
Try not to take yourself so seriously.
Have common sense. Think about the most reasonable answer to every situation. If you do not have common sense, you are a bust.
Life is a gift that you must unwrap. It is up to you to determine if what is inside will lead you to happiness or dismay. You have the power to make that decision for yourself.
From all of these life lessons and more that Mel feller has retained and learned and put to use it has given him the ability to do what he loves every given day!
Mel Feller is one the most experienced coaches for Small Business Owners or Startups, Real Estate, Internet, Business Consultant, Investor, Speaker, Author, Grants with over 35 years and over 51,000 plus individual coaching sessions during that time. You can see why many of my clients have endorsed their results and me.
Mel Feller is wonderful in getting to know his subject and often pulls his clients into uncharted territories. His powerful intuition blended with his ability to shift perspective allows others to successfully construct and bring their ideas to light.
Mel Feller has designed a coaching program that begins with establishing a foundation for each client in clarifying personal and professional values as well as creating a long-term vision. He combines this insight with his client’s natural talents and learned skills to create a purpose/mission statement that they can use as a filter for their decision-making.
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