Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Grandpas Help Shape Who We are, from our Personalities and Passions by Mel Feller

Grandpas help shape who we are, from our personalities and passions to our skills and our sense of place in the world. Above all, they teach us what values are all about and what it takes to actually place in practice those values.

Grandpas play many roles when it comes to their grandchildren: babysitters, nurses, caregivers, playmates, friends and even substitute parents and teachers are just a few hats they can wear. Their unique position of trust allows them to help nurture and shape their grandchildren’s lives.

One of the most important things that grandpas do for their grandchildren is to spend time with them. During their time with grandpas, children learn important lessons that will remain with them all their lives. While grandpas love to shower their grandchildren with gifts and goodies, the greatest gift they give is their time; time that offers a wonderful opportunity to pass on core values, beliefs and skills to their grandchildren.

Teach Kids to Love Reading

One of the most rewarding things grandpas can do with their grandchildren is to read to them. Reading to young children improves their cognitive and language skills and improves their reading comprehension. Even before the kids learn to talk, they enjoy sitting in grandma’s lap to look at picture books. Use this special time to teach words, colors, letters and objects and tell stories about the pictures. All are ways to teach children to love books and to love reading.

Giving children books that are interesting and fun to read is also a way to encourage them. Grandpas can take the kids to the library for story time or help them choose their own books, something that busy working parents might not have time to do.

Teach Kids a Skill

Grandpas can share their knowledge of woodworking, mechanics, gardening, and sports by teaching the basics to their grandsons and granddaughters. Grandsons who make their first birdhouse or granddaughters who learn to change the oil in their first car will always remember where they learned how to do it.  It has even been fun to watch my oldest daughter Jennifer out do me in the landscaping and care of her yard!

Teach Kids about Family

Grandpas are a treasure store of family history. Grandchildren will love to hear stories about their parents as young children or about their grandparent’s lives in the “olden days”. Even very young children enjoy looking at old family photo albums, and this is a great time to tell them some family history.

My own grandchildren always loved looking at old photo albums, and still do. As they got older, they wanted to know more about the family history, and especially liked stories about their parents’ escapades.  Which frankly, I still enjoy to tell.

Teach Kids Good Values

Grandpas often spend blocks of quality time with their grandchildren, and can have a deep influence on their grandchild’s values. They can help teach their grandchildren respect for each other and for other people by listening and responding to them respectfully. They can teach their grandchildren to tell the truth and to act honorably, to be kind to other people and to animals. By their words and actions, grandpas teach their grandchildren tolerance and empathy for people who are different from themselves.

Time Flies Way TOO Fast so Teach Your Grandchildren Something Today
I have always been telling my kids that they should enjoy their children while they were young because the time went by so quickly. I never fully appreciated it until I was a grandpa, and I saw how quickly my grandchildren went from infants to college graduates.

As a grandpa, I came to understand that there is a narrow window of time to do certain things. The years that we enjoy with grandchildren while they are young are precious and fleeting, and we can make the most of this precious time by teaching our grandkids about the things we love, the things we love to do, about our values and our families. Why not teach your grandchild something special the next time you spend time together?  I know I will!

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