Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Grandpas are Priceless by Mel Feller

Melvin Feller and GrandkidsMel Feller believes that “Grandpas enrich and bless the lives of their grandchildren in their own unique way. They play a role that no one else can play, and in so doing fulfill a need that is vitally important to their grandkids’ well-being”.

Grandpas are different from grandmas. Way different. Equally as necessary. Grandpas may not think so because who is it that makes sure the grandkids’ birthdays are remembered? Grandma. Who is it that reminds grandpa that a grandchild’s recital is coming up? Grandma. Who is it that bakes the gingerbread cookies? Grandma. Who it is that well, you get the picture. Grandmas are good at those things and rightly so because they were made that way. Grandpas are good at other things and they were made that way as well.

Babies stop crying for grandpas

We saw this with some of our grandbabies. For example, my baby granddaughter, who is now 20 years old, could be howling then grandpa would pick her up and start talking to her and she would stop in mid howl. It has to be the fact that his voice is lower and gentle, and somehow sounds soothing to the baby. Must be that higher pitched voices do not register comfort as well. This is not a scientific study, just an over-time observation with all of my grandkids.

Grandpas play tricks

Grandkids love it when Grandpa pulls a quarter, even a nickel, out of their ears. They fully believe he has magical power. Heck, he can even pull it out of their sleeve. Better yet, he can make it disappear! If he starts this trick, he is in for it. The kids flock around him. Not only his grandkids but also their friends. They want to show off their supernatural grandpa. He needs to be equipped with an endless supply of coins. After all, he cannot possibly disappoint an adoring grandchild. Moreover, they love him for it.

What grandpas say actually matters

Maybe it is because he is not in the habit of telling the grandkids what to do as much as their grandma is. When only a few choice tidbits roll forth it may be that they are more memorable. On the other hand, maybe it is because he does not sugar coat it. He tells it like it is, in fewer words and all. That makes it stick in a kid's mind.  It reminds me of when I was speaking once at church, “Grandpa’s gone now, but the memory is solid. I said, “Grandpa caught me doing something I shouldn’t be doing. He took me aside and said, ‘Mel, before you do something ask yourself what Jesus would do if he were in your place. Then think about it. You’ll have a happy life if you do that.’” Of all the things I might have remembered from his childhood, he remembered those words from his grandpa. Grandfathers are authority figures and what they say matters.

Grandpas spoil kids with junk food

Grandmas encourage kids to eat their fruits and veggies, but grandpas do not hesitate to order hamburgers for the whole bunch. Plain and simple, he spoils them. It will not hurt them since it does not happen that often, and it may be his clever way of getting a hamburger for himself. The grandkids love it. Especially when it is followed with an ice cream cone.

Grandpas tell jokes

They enjoy sharing the funnies with the kids. Grandpas have their favorites and grandkids love it when they share and make them laugh. It shows them that life is not always serious.

Grandpas teach grandkids their specialties

Like, fishing. Especially if they are good at it. My grandson learned how to fish from their grandpa. He has a legacy of being the best angler ever. Grandpa could catch a fish when no one else could. It probably goes back to his magical powers. Not all grandpas are anglers, but they are all good at teaching their grandkids some skill, like playing ball, fixing things, carving a whistle, etc. In other words, grandpas they like to pass on what they know.

Grandpas help when the going gets tough

As grandkids grow so, do their problems. They need a little help from time to time and grandpas are good at giving it. It might be a need for $20 that grandpa seems to know about without being asked. It may be help in finding a car. When my college-student granddaughter, Rachael, needed a car, she came to grandpa for advice. She had saved the money for a used car but needed a little guidance. Nevertheless, grandpa was good at handing her a couple of thousand dollars to help. Grandpas are good at that.

Grandpas show their grandkids how to live an honorable life

They have been through enough of life’s challenges to tell the stories of their own lives in a way that inspires grandchildren to have integrity. They are good at passing on a legacy of determination, faith, and hard work. The loving way they treat the kids’ grandmother shows them that love is enduring and worth working for. Their example speaks volumes to their grandkids.

Overall, grandpas are definitely priceless in the lives of their grandchildren. Maybe today is the day you say thanks to your own grandpa, or if you are one, work at being the best you can be. Your posterity will praise you for it.

Mel Feller Websites


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