Friday, August 24, 2018

An Open Letter to My Granddaughter Halle Martin – Just Because I love Her! – By Mel Feller

My Dearest Halle,

It has been nine plus years since I held you in my arms at the hospital and had that extraordinary feeling that things would never be the same for our family ever again.
mel feller
Mel Feller loves David and Halle Martin

I have to admit, your arrival took me completely by surprise and astonishment. I knew you would be cute. I knew you would be special. However, I never dreamed how quickly and overwhelmingly you would captivate my heart.

It did not end there. Every time I saw you, you were even more beautiful, even more precious and seemed even more cascading with joy. My heart abruptly halts when you look at me and smile with that huge, unrestrained smile of recognition. It takes so little to please you and the reward for doing so is just so great, it makes being near you a sudden pleasure.

You have such a wonderful curiosity, an interest in the world around you including the natural one. I love that you want to look at everything, and want to know the reasons things work and people do what they do. You are always looking for the best in the world and with everyone.  I hope you never lose that sense of wonderment.

It has been so amazing watching you experience new things, especially those outdoors. One of the best things about life is that you will be continually encountering new scenarios, having new experiences and learning from each of them.

In my 60 years, I have had many different life experiences and lessons of which I believe you can benefit. Therefore, I jotted down a personal, stream-of-consciousness list of how, in my view, you can live a happy, healthy and full life. Here is the list:

You are very smart and can do anything you want.

Take chances, try new things, have no regrets!

Be confident in yourself and do not ponder too much on past decisions.

Have a positive outlook. One’s optimistic attitude has a profound effect on the overall quality of his or her life. Enthusiasm does not survive in a negative atmosphere either.

Always be kind to others, even if you do not like them!

Have fun and do not take life too seriously. Laughter and nonsense wake up brain cells.

Remember that money and material things accumulated in one’s life really do not matter. What does matter is leaving a legacy of good character and taking care of people, the land and the environment.
You have a rich heritage and an ingrained Martin pioneer spirit. Know it, be proud of it and glean information from it! 

Keep a journal or write short stories about yourself and your experiences. No one will know what family history and events were like unless someone took the time to document it, at least from their perspective!

Always listen to your dad; he has a wealth of experiences and love for you!

Never forget, no matter what you do in this life, I will always love you, unconditionally!

Always loving you,

Papa Mel Feller

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