Mel Feller Looks at Being a Grandpa and Keeping up with Young Grandkids
Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching for Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching. Mel Feller a Texas- Utah Innovator and Investor. Currently an MBA Candidate.

As I think of my own life, it may be the additional time that grandpas have after their own children are grown and out of the house or the excitement in sharing an interest or hobby with a younger person. On the other hand, maybe we as grandpas just have more energy when the time spent with an overactive grandchild is limited and that they will be going home afterward. Whatever the reason, grandpas, just want to be a kid again, seem to be very much a part of the activities of their grandchildren.
Grandpas Need to Be a Role Model
With the many recent reports of increased obesity among children in our society, it is very important for grandpas to encourage increased activity in their grandchildren’s daily lives. Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle lead to overweight and unfit children. Grandpas can improve those statistics with activities that increase their grandchildren’s fitness levels beginning at an early age and continuing to adulthood.
Those activities may vary depending on the age of the child and the interests of both the grandpa and the grandchild. For example, a baby is perfect for a nice walk with a stroller or jogger. All of the new equipment available for babies these days allows ease in walking, running and bike riding. Baby no longer inhibit daily exercise, but rather enhances the experience. I know that when my oldest granddaughter Rachael was small it was daily wagon rides from grandpa’s house to her house! It helped that my daughter and son-in-law lived a few houses up the street. Oh those memories!
For another great experience with grandchildren this age, try a trip to the park. All the climbing, digging and swinging is just right for an active toddler. Some supervision is required of course, but much of the enjoyment comes from watching. I would attend my youngest daughters Soccer games and slip over with Rachael to play. Older children gladly participate as well. There is always something to try when a swing and slide are involved. It is also a great place to meet other grandpas.
As the grandchildren grow older, there are many more activities, and grandpas are great teachers. They are more than willing to share their own interests and talents with their grandchildren whether it is in golf, bowling, ping-pong, tennis or especially fishing. All of these are activities that grandchildren relish with enthusiasm and carry with them the rest of their lives. How many adults claim they first were first introduced to a sport or a particular skill from a grandpa? Many grateful adults learned skills they use throughout their lifetimes from patient grandpas who always have something to share.
Moreover, how many grandchildren remember a weekend of camping and fishing with grandpas? There are so many activities that grandpas are able to share with grandchildren, providing not only hours of fun but also educational opportunities as well.
Grandpas You Must Show Your Support
Of course, there is nothing quite as special as having grandpa in the cheering section during a game. Whether it is a game of soccer, football, basketball, baseball or a dance recital, grandpas make the event extra special. It is not only a time for pride and cheers but also an opportunity to meet other parents and grandparents who share the same experience. It is a time to socialize and build memories!
As the grandchildren get older, fitness activities bring an even more special bond. Those activities become a time to talk, share and become acquainted with that unique and special person known as your grandchild. Walks, sporting events, both as spectator and as participant, games of chess, badminton, dancing or horseshoes provide an opportunity for conversation.
I fully believe that grandpas are special people for teens and young adults, not only for their inspiration and their support but also for their advice and teaching. Teens will listen to a grandpa even when they are reluctant to hear a parent’s opinion. Fitness activities are the perfect openings for conversations about important topics regarding life.
Therefore, whenever grandpas and grandchildren are involved in activities, remember it is about bonding, sharing knowledge, appreciation, conversation and pride as well as fitness. That is why I love being a grandpa!!